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Dẫn nhập-220.03

Có 172 tác phẩm

The text of tho old testament

Ernst Wurthwein

SCM Press Ltd | 1979

The text of tho old testament

Ernst Wurthwein | 03/11/2023


Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible

Christian D. Ginsburg

KTAV Publishing House Inc | 1966

Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible

Christian D. Ginsburg | 03/11/2023


Guia del Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento

Eugenio Zolli

Union Tipografica Editorial Hispano Americana | 1961

Guia del Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento

Eugenio Zolli | 11/06/2023


The Trinity Guide to the Bible

Richard H. Hiers

Trinity Press International | 2001

The Trinity Guide to the Bible

Richard H. Hiers | 11/06/2023


Biblical Characters and the Enneagram: Images of Transformation

Diane Tolomeo, Pearl Gervais

Newport Bay Publishing | 2002

Biblical Characters and the Enneagram: Images of Transformation

Diane Tolomeo, Pearl Gervais | 11/06/2023


The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible

Julio Trebolle Barrera

Brill | 1998

The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible

Julio Trebolle Barrera | 11/06/2023


The Bible and the Narrative Tradition

Frank McConnell

Oxford University Press | 1986

The Bible and the Narrative Tradition

Frank McConnell | 11/06/2023


Terminologia Biblica

Dario Pulcinelli

| Cập nhật

Terminologia Biblica

Dario Pulcinelli | 11/06/2023


Teaching the Bible: The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy

Fernando F. Segovia & Mary Ann Tolbert

Orbis Books | 1998

Teaching the Bible: The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy

Fernando F. Segovia & Mary Ann Tolbert | 11/06/2023


Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction

Mark Roncace & Patrick Gray

Society of Biblical Literature Atlanta | 2005

Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction

Mark Roncace & Patrick Gray | 11/06/2023


The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible

J. David Pleins

Westminster John Knox Press | 2001

The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible

J. David Pleins | 11/06/2023


Para leer La historia del Pueblo de dios

Xabier Pikaza

Editorial Verbo Divino | 1990

Para leer La historia del Pueblo de dios

Xabier Pikaza | 11/06/2023


Para leer La Biblia

Jean-Pierre Bagot, Jean-Claude Dubs

Editorial Verbo Divino | 2005

Para leer La Biblia

Jean-Pierre Bagot, Jean-Claude Dubs | 11/06/2023


The New Jerome Biblical Commentary

Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A Fitzmyer, Roland E. Murphy

Geoffrey Chapman | 1968

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary

Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A Fitzmyer, Roland E. Murphy | 10/07/2023


Leggere La Bibia

Roland Meynet

Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna | 2004

Leggere La Bibia

Roland Meynet | 11/06/2023


La Sacra Scrittura, anima di tutta la teologia

Antonio Izquierdo, L.C.

Alpha Omega | 2012

La Sacra Scrittura, anima di tutta la teologia

Antonio Izquierdo, L.C. | 11/06/2023


La Biblia y La Ciencia Tomo Primero

Cardenal González

Madrid | 1891

La Biblia y La Ciencia Tomo Primero

Cardenal González | 11/06/2023


La Biblia un enfoque judio moderno

B.J. Bamberger

Editorial Paidos | 1963

La Biblia un enfoque judio moderno

B.J. Bamberger | 11/06/2023


La Biblia, su historia y su lectura

Johan Konings

Verbo Divino | 1995

La Biblia, su historia y su lectura

Johan Konings | 11/06/2023


La Biblia el libro de los libros

Vicente Borragán

San Pablo | 2001

La Biblia el libro de los libros

Vicente Borragán | 11/06/2023